touch-sensitive 特有的触感 感应 触敏 触摸敏感的 双语例句
1. Power and shutter buttons, a USB port, and a touch-sensitive strip to move the F2 lens through its 8X zoomrange are arranged along the sides. 沿着外壳,分布着电源键、拍摄键、USB接口,以及一组极其灵敏的滑动装置,能够移动F2镜头和实现8倍变焦。
2. The new version will be half the size of the XO and have two touch-sensitive displays, meaning it could beused in either a book-like format or a conventional laptop format. 新版本的笔记本电脑将是XO尺寸的一半,而且拥有两个触摸显示屏,这意味着它既可以像图书那样,又可以像传统的笔记本电脑那样使用。
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