1.普通游标 只有NEXT操作
2.滚动游标 有多种操作
DECLARE @username varchar(20),@UserId varchar(100)
DECLARE cursor_name CURSOR FOR --定义游标
SELECT TOP 10 UserId,UserName FROM UserInfo
OPEN cursor_name --打开游标
FETCH NEXT FROM cursor_name INTO @UserId,@username --抓取下一行游标数据
PRINT '用户ID:'+@UserId+' '+'用户名:'+@username
FETCH NEXT FROM cursor_name INTO @UserId,@username
CLOSE cursor_name --关闭游标
DEALLOCATE cursor_name --释放游标
用户ID:zhizhi 用户名:邓鸿芝
用户ID:yuyu 用户名:魏雨
用户ID:yujie 用户名:李玉杰
用户ID:yuanyuan 用户名:王梦缘
用户ID:YOUYOU 用户名:lisi
用户ID:yiyiren 用户名:任毅
用户ID:yanbo 用户名:王艳波
用户ID:xuxu 用户名:陈佳绪
用户ID:xiangxiang 用户名:李庆祥
用户ID:wenwen 用户名:魏文文
Returns the
result row immediately following the current row and increments the
current row to the row returned. If FETCH NEXT is the first fetch
against a cursor, it returns the first row in the result set. NEXT is
the default cursor fetch option.
Returns the
result row immediately preceding the current row, and decrements the
current row to the row returned. If FETCH PRIOR is the first fetch
against a cursor, no row is returned and the cursor is left positioned
before the first row.
Returns the first row in the cursor and makes it the current row.
Returns the last row in the cursor and makes it the current row.
ABSOLUTE { n| @nvar}
If n or @nvar is positive, returns the row n rows from the front of the
cursor and makes the returned row the new current row. If n or @nvar is
negative, returns the row n rows before the end of the cursor and makes
the returned row the new current row. If n or @nvar is 0, no rows are
returned. n must be an integer constant and @nvar must be smallint,
tinyint, or int.
RELATIVE { n| @nvar}
If n or @nvar is positive, returns the row n rows beyond the current
row and makes the returned row the new current row. If n or @nvar is
negative, returns the row n rows prior to the current row and makes the
returned row the new current row. If n or @nvar is 0, returns the
current row. If FETCH RELATIVE is specified with n or @nvar set to
negative numbers or 0 on the first fetch done against a cursor, no rows
are returned. n must be an integer constant and @nvar must be smallint,
tinyint, or int.
Specifies that cursor_name refers to a global cursor.
Is the
name of the open cursor from which the fetch should be made. If both a
global and a local cursor exist with cursor_name as their name,
cursor_name to the global cursor if GLOBAL is specified and to the local
cursor if GLOBAL is not specified.
Is the name of a cursor variable referencing the open cursor from which the fetch should be made.
INTO @variable_name[ ,...n]
Allows data from the columns of a fetch to be placed into local
variables. Each variable in the list, from left to right, is associated
with the corresponding column in the cursor result set. The data type of
each variable must either match or be a supported implicit conversion
of the data type of the corresponding result set column. The number of
variables must match the number of columns in the cursor select list.
DECLARE @PIDInt int,@IUIDInt int,@ImgURL nvarchar(200),@priceStr nvarchar(100)
DECLARE cursor_name CURSOR FOR --定义游标
select pp.PIDInt,pp.IUIDInt,pp.ImgURL, a.priceStr from COM_Product pp left join
select * from DR_TMedicalCard t where t.IUIDInt=10069 and EXISTS(select * from COM_Product p where t.NameStr=p.NameStr ) and CardType<>3
) a on pp.NameStr=a.NameStr where sys_19='体检产品模板' and a.priceStr is not null
OPEN cursor_name --打开游标
FETCH NEXT FROM cursor_name INTO @PIDInt ,@IUIDInt ,@ImgURL ,@priceStr --抓取下一行游标数据
DECLARE @x int
DECLARE @price nvarchar(100),@title nvarchar(100)
set @x=1
set @title='上岗前'
DECLARE cursor_name_1 CURSOR FOR --定义游标
select * from dbo.f_split(@priceStr,',')
OPEN cursor_name_1 --打开游标
FETCH NEXT FROM cursor_name_1 INTO @price --抓取下一行游标数据
if @x=1
set @title='上岗前'
if @x=2
set @title='在岗期间'
if @x=3
set @title='离岗时'
insert into COM_Product_Cate(PIDInt,IUIDInt,CateNameStr,Description,PriceStr,ImgURL,AddTime) values(@PIDInt,@IUIDInt,@title,@title,@price,@ImgURL, getdate())
PRINT '用户ID:'+@title+' '+'用户名:'+@price
set @x=@x+1
FETCH NEXT FROM cursor_name_1 INTO @price
CLOSE cursor_name_1 --关闭游标
DEALLOCATE cursor_name_1 --释放游标
PRINT '用户ID:'+@ImgURL+' '+'用户名:'+@priceStr
FETCH NEXT FROM cursor_name INTO @PIDInt ,@IUIDInt ,@ImgURL ,@priceStr
CLOSE cursor_name --关闭游标
DEALLOCATE cursor_name --释放游标
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