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人教版四年级下册英语Unit2《What Time Is It》教案

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《What Time Is It》教案(一)


Grasp the new words and phrase: music class, P.E. class, English class, breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Recognize and read the sentences: What time is it? It’s… It’s time for…

Enable the students to understand the directive and do the corresponding activities. Such as: Time for breakfast. Drink some milk.


Grasp the new words and phrases.

Understand the meaning of the new sentences: What time is it? It’s nine o’clock. It’s time for…




一. Warm-up.

Sing the song.


Show some numbers:

Ask students to read the numbers. Then put the numbers: 12 .3. 9. 6. on the blackboard. And draw a circle. Then the teacher asks: What is it?

Ss: It is a clock. (help answer) teach the new word: clock.

Students read the word one by one.


1. T: Now from the clock, we know it can tell us : the time(help answer)

Prestent the word: time, teach the word. Then show the sentence: what time is it?

It’s 6 o’clock.(teach the word: o’clock) students read together.

2. Ask and answer.

S1: What time is it?

S2: It’s 12 o’clock.

3. (Game)

Who can say the time quickly?

Ask students to point out the time

4. presentation

Show the pictures:

T: What time is it?

S: It’s 7 o’clock.

T: It’s time for breakfast.(show a picture of eating breakfast)

Repeat : It’s time for lunch/dinner.

5. Let’s do. What time is it? It’s 7 o’clock. It’s time for breakfast.

What time is it? It’s 11 o’clock. It’s time for lunch.

What time is it? It’s 6 o’clock. It’s time for dinner.

三. Presentation

Show a picture of Zhang Pen’s day. On the day. Zhang Pen does different things

T: What does Zhang Pen do on the day? Let’s see together.

1. present the picture of the clock:

T: What time is it?

Ss: It’ s 7 o’clock.

T: It’s time for breakfast.

Teach: time for breakfast, drink some milk.(read and do the action)

Let students read and do the actions

2. the picture of Zhang Pen having English class

T:What time is it ?

Ss: It’s 9 o’clock.

T; It’s time for English class.

Teach: time for English read and write

Repeat : Time for lunch have some chicken

Time for dinner eat some rice

Time for P.E. jump and run

Time for music sing and dance

3. fill in the blank

ask and answer: A:It’s 11 o’clock. B: It time for lunch.

四. Let’s chant

Using a song ask students to chant according to the song

Group of two chant together.

What time is it? It’s 6 o’clock

Time for breakfast, drink some milk.

五.Let’s do

Students listen to the tape, read and do the actions together.

Time is life. Don’t waste time. Time waits for no man.






Unit2 What Time Is It

《What Time Is It》教案(二)


1、能够听、说、认读本课时的主要单词和词组: music class , P.E. class , English class , breakfast , lunch , dinner . 2、能认读句型:What time is it ?并做出相应的回答:It’s … It’s time for … 3、能够听懂指示语,并按要求做出相应的动作。


教学重点 : 本课时的主要单词和词组: music class, P.E. class, English class, breakfast, lunch, dinner。

教学难点 :1、What time is it ?并做出相应的回答:It’s …It’s time for … 2、听懂指示语,并按要求做出相应的动作。



(1)播放歌曲《One, Two, Three, Four, Five》



(3)教师播放第一单元Story time 的录音 教师在听录音之后向学生提问:Where is Zoom? 学生回答:He is in the canteen .教师又问:Why? 学生答:He is hungry .教师再问: Why is he hungry? What time is it? 引导学生答出:It’s time for lunch.

(4)猜谜语 “有圆也有方,指针告时间,响声十二下,开始新一天。”通过猜谜语游戏,引入本课课题表、时间。


2、新课呈现 Let’s learn

(1)教学时间的表达法“What time is it?”

A、教师出示教具钟表(课前准备)。 T: what’s this? Ss: Clock. T: Yes, It’s a clock. T: What time is it? 教师再将钟拨到七点,It’s seven o’clock再强调seven o’clock.

B、教师领读o’clock, What time is it? It’s…


T:What time is it? Ss:It’s five o’clock. T: What time is it? Ss: It’s three forty.

D、教师请一名同学上台当小老师,拨动时针,边拨边问: What time is it?其他同学回答。

(2)教学Let’s learn

A、 教师将时针拨到7点,后出示课件图片。 T:What time is it? S: It’s seven o’clock. T: Yes, It’s seven o’clock, It’s time for breakfast.


C、教师将时针拨到12点。 T:What time it? S: It’s 12o’clock. T: Are you hungry? S: Yes. T: I’m hungry, too. It’s time for lunch. D、教师出示卡片“lunch”。

E、用同样的方法教授“dinner”, It’s time for…

F、游戏Hide and seek

教师拿出breakfast, lunch, dinner三张单词卡,叫一个同学上台从中抽取一张单词卡并展示给所有的同学看,然后叫教师让这个同学转身。教师把这张卡片藏在某个同学的桌兜里,然后请这位同学找出这张卡片。在这期间所有同学读这张单词卡上的单词,当这位同学离这张卡片近了同学们的声音就提高,当他离单词卡远了同学们的声音就变小。

(3)图片教学Let's learn


T:Now, what time is it? S: It’s 8 o’clock. T: What is he doing? Ss: 上英语课。 T: Yeah! He is having English class.

B、教学English class.然后教师用同样的方法教授P.E. class, music class。

C、写单词:让学生在自己的单词本上规范的书写breakfast, lunch, dinner…六个单词。





教师准备一个盒子,里面方上写有不同时间和活动的小纸条。学生10人左右围成一圈,教师播放音乐,学生快速传递盒子,音乐停止,其他学生问:What time is it? 拿着盒子的学生从盒子里取出一张纸条,根据纸上的文字进行回答:It’s seven o’clock, It’s time for breakfast.


学生以四人为一组,根据自己的课程表列出一天的课程。每组找出一个发言人,运用句型:It’s …, It’s time for…汇报讨论结果。

(4)Let's do。

(5 )Let's talk。

(6)Read and write。



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