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资料来源:网络整理       时间:2023/3/5 17:10:16       共计:3620 浏览


MySQL Group Replication(下简称MGR)准确来说是官方推出的高知可用解决方案,基于原生复制技术,并以插件的方式提供。

1、使用前,关掉防火墙,包括 selinux,firewalld,或者 MySQL 企业版的firewall(如果用了企业版的话)2、两台机器:(4 台 MySQL 实例) centos-ytt57-1 3311/3312192.168.2.229 centos-ytt57-2 3311/33123、安装 MySQL(两台都装), MySQL Shell(任意一台), mysqlrouter(任意一台,官方建议和应用程序装在一个服务器上)yum install mysql-community-server mysql-shell mysql-router-community

4、搭建 InnoDB-Cluster(两台都装)

1. 配置文件如下:shell>vi /etc/my.cnfmaster-info-repository=tablerelay-log-info-repository=tablegtid_mode=ONenforce_gtid_consistency=ONbinlog_checksum=NONElog_slave_updates=ONbinlog_format=ROWtransaction_write_set_extraction=XXHASH642. 系统 HOSTS 配置(两台都配)

shell>vi /etc/hosts localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4

::1 localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 centos-ytt57-2 centos-ytt57-3

用 MySQL coalesce 函数确认下 report-host 是否设置正确(root@localhost) : [(none)] >SELECT coalesce(@@report_host, @@hostname) as r;+----------------+| r |+----------------+| centos-ytt57-1 |+----------------+1 row in set (0.00 sec)

3. 创建管理员用户搭建 GROUP REPLICATION (四个节点都要)

create user root identified by 'Root@123';grant all on *.* to root with grant option;flush privileges;

4. MySQLsh 连接其中一台节点:

[root@centos-ytt57-1 mysql]# mysqlsh root@localhost:3321

5. 检查配置正确性:(如果这里不显示 OK,把对应的参数加到配置文件重启 MySQL 再次检查)dba.checkInstanceConfiguration("root@centos-ytt57-2:3311");dba.checkInstanceConfiguration("root@centos-ytt57-2:3312");dba.checkInstanceConfiguration("root@centos-ytt57-3:3311");dba.checkInstanceConfiguration("root@centos-ytt57-3:3312");mysqlsh 执行检测

[root@centos-ytt57-1 mysql]# mysqlsh --log-level=8 root@localhost:3311

MySQL localhost:3311 ssl JS > dba.checkInstanceConfiguration("root@centos-ytt57-2:3311")


"status": "ok"


6. 创建集群,节点 1 上创建。(结果显示 Cluster successfully created 表示成功)

MySQL localhost:3311 ssl JS > var cluster = dba.createCluster('ytt_mgr');

Cluster successfully created. Use Cluster.addInstance() to add MySQL instances.

At least 3 instances are needed for the cluster to be able to withstand up to

one server failure.

7. 添加节点 2,3,4(全部显示 OK,表示添加成功)MySQL localhost:3311 ssl JS > cluster.addInstance('root@centos-ytt57-2:3312');MySQL localhost:3311 ssl JS > cluster.addInstance('root@centos-ytt57-3:3311');MySQL localhost:3311 ssl JS > cluster.addInstance('root@centos-ytt57-3:3312');

8. 查看拓扑图:(describe 简单信息,status 详细描述)

MySQL localhost:3311 ssl JS > cluster.describe()


"clusterName": "ytt_mgr",

"defaultReplicaSet": {

"name": "default",

"topology": [


"address": "centos-ytt57-2:3311",

"label": "centos-ytt57-2:3311",

"role": "HA",

"version": "8.0.17"



"address": "centos-ytt57-2:3312",

"label": "centos-ytt57-2:3312",

"role": "HA",

"version": "8.0.17"



"address": "centos-ytt57-3:3311",

"label": "centos-ytt57-3:3311",

"role": "HA",

"version": "8.0.17"



"address": "centos-ytt57-3:3312",

"label": "centos-ytt57-3:3312",

"role": "HA",

"version": "8.0.17"



"topologyMode": "Single-Primary"



MySQL localhost:3311 ssl JS > cluster.status()

"clusterName": "ytt_mgr",

"defaultReplicaSet": {

"name": "default",

"primary": "centos-ytt57-2:3311",

"ssl": "REQUIRED",

"status": "OK",

"statusText": "Cluster is ONLINE and can tolerate up to ONE failure.",

"topology": {

"centos-ytt57-2:3311": {

"address": "centos-ytt57-2:3311",

"mode": "R/W",

"readReplicas": {},

"role": "HA",

"status": "ONLINE",

"version": "8.0.17"


"centos-ytt57-2:3312": {

"address": "centos-ytt57-2:3312",

"mode": "R/O",

"readReplicas": {},

"role": "HA",

"status": "ONLINE",

"version": "8.0.17"


"centos-ytt57-3:3311": {

"address": "centos-ytt57-3:3311",

"mode": "R/O",

"readReplicas": {},

"role": "HA",

"status": "ONLINE",

"version": "8.0.17"


"centos-ytt57-3:3312": {

"address": "centos-ytt57-3:3312",

"mode": "R/O",

"readReplicas": {},

"role": "HA",

"status": "ONLINE",

"version": "8.0.17"



"topologyMode": "Single-Primary"


"groupInformationSourceMember": "centos-ytt57-2:3311"

9. 简单测试下数据是否同步

(root@localhost) : [(none)] >create database ytt;

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.03 sec)

(root@localhost) : [(none)] >use ytt;

Database changed

(root@localhost) : [ytt] >create table p1(id int primary key, log_time datetime);

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.08 sec)

(root@localhost) : [ytt] >insert into p1 values (1,now());

Query OK, 1 row affected (0.04 sec)

(root@localhost) : [ytt] >show master status;


| File | Position | Binlog_Do_DB | Binlog_Ignore_DB | Executed_Gtid_Set |


| mysql0.000001 | 25496 | | | 6c7bb9db-b759-11e9-a9c0-0800276cf0fc:1-41 |


1 row in set (0.00 sec)


(root@localhost) : [ytt] >show tables;


| Tables_in_ytt |


| p1 |


1 row in set (0.00 sec)

(root@localhost) : [ytt] >select * from p1;


| id | log_time |


| 1 | 2019-08-05 16:44:20 |


1 row in set (0.00 sec)

停掉主节点:[root@centos-ytt57-2 mysql0]# systemctl stop mysqld@0

现在查看,主节点已经变为本机 3312节点"centos-ytt57-2:3312": { "address": "centos-ytt57-2:3312", "mode": "R/W", "readReplicas": {}, "role": "HA", "status": "ONLINE"}

10. 报错处理

错误日志里显示2019-08-05T09:01:35.125591Z 0 [ERROR] Plugin group_replication reported: 'The group name option is mandatory'2019-08-05T09:01:35.125622Z 0 [ERROR] Plugin group_replication reported: 'Unable to start Group Replication on boot'

同时用 cluster.rescan() 扫描,发现The instance 'centos-ytt57-2:3311' is no longer part of the ReplicaSet.


再次执行cluster.status()查看集群状态:"status": "OK",11. 移除和加入cluster.removeInstance("centos-ytt57-3:3312");The instance 'centos-ytt57-3:3312' was successfully removed from the cluster.cluster.addInstance("centos-ytt57-3:3312");The instance 'centos-ytt57-3:3312' was successfully added to the cluster.

12. 用 mysqlrouter 生成连接 MGR 相关信息。涉及到两个用户:--user=mysqlrouter 是使用mysqlrouter的系统用户自动创建的MySQL 用户是用来与MGR通信的用户。如果想查看这个用户的用户名以及密码,就加上--force-password-validation,不过一般也没有必要查看。

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