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ieframe.dll / dnserror.htm 解决方法


Ieframe.dll errors are fairly varied and really depend on the cause of the problem. Ieframe.dll错误是相当不同的,真正取决于问题的原因。 A few of the more common ieframe.dll related errors are shown here:有几个比较常见的ieframe.dll相关的错误在这里:

"Res://ieframe.dll/dnserror.htm#" “第: / / ieframe.dll / dnserror.htm # ” "File Not Found C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\IEFRAME.DLL" “找不到档案? : \软件\ SYSTEM32 \ IEFRAME.DLL ”

Most ieframe.dll "not found" or "missing" type of errors occur when using Internet Explorer 7 or while using Visual Basic 6.大多数ieframe.dll “找不到”或“失踪”之类的错误发生时,使用Internet Explorer 7 ,或同时使用Visual Basic 6 。

The "Res://ieframe.dll/dnserror.htm" and related messages are much more common and appear in the Internet Explorer 7 browser window itself.在“第: / / ieframe.dll / dnserror.htm ”及相关的信息更为常见,并显示在Internet Explorer 7浏览器窗口本身。

Cause of Ieframe.dll Errors原因Ieframe.dll错误

The ieframe.dll DLL file is related to Internet Explorer 7.该ieframe.dll DLL文件有关的Internet Explorer 7 。 In many cases, the installation of Internet Explorer 7 causes ieframe.dll errors to appear.在许多情况下,安装了Internet Explorer 7的原因ieframe.dll错误出现。 Other causes include viruses, certain Windows Updates, incorrect firewall settings, outdated security software applications, and more.其他原因包括病毒,某些Windows更新,不正确的防火墙设置,过时的安全软件,等等。


Important Note: Do not, under any circumstances, download the ieframe.dll DLL file individually from any "DLL download site." 重要注意事项:不要在任何情况下,下载ieframe.dll个别DLL文件的任何“ DLL的下载网站。 ” There are many reasons that downloading DLLs from these sites are never a good idea .有许多原因, 下载DLL从这些网站是不是一个好主意。

Note: If you've already downloaded ieframe.dll from one of those DLL download sites, remove it from wherever you placed it and continue with the following steps. 注意:如果您已经下载了ieframe.dll从一个人的DLL下载网站,删除它无论您在哪里置于并继续进行下面的步骤。

Restart your computer unless you've already done so.重新启动计算机,除非你已经这样做了。 The ieframe.dll error might be a fluke and a simple restart could clear it up completely.该ieframe.dll错误可能是侥幸和一个简单的重新启动可以清楚它完全。 Install the latest version of Internet Explorer .安装最新版本的Internet Explorer 。 No matter if you're missing ieframe.dll or if you're receiving a browser error message about it, reinstalling or updating to the latest version of Internet Explorer has resolved many user's issues with ieframe.dll.无论如果你或失踪ieframe.dll如果你收到了浏览器的错误讯息这个问题,重新安装或更新到最新版本的Internet Explorer已经解决了许多用户的问题ieframe.dll 。 Using Visual Basic 6?使用Visual Basic 6 ? If so, change the reference for Microsoft Internet Controls from the existing ieframe.dllto shdocvw.ocx . Save your project and then reopen it.如果是这样,变化的参考为Microsoft Internet 控制从现有的ieframe.dll以shdocvw.ocx 。保存项目,然后重新打开它。Restart your router, switch, cable/DSL modem and anything else that's used to communicate to the Internet or other computers on your network. There may be an issue in one of these pieces of hardware that a simple restart could solve.重新启动您的路由器,交换机,有线/ DSL调制解调器和其他任何的使用向互联网或其他网络上的计算机。可能存在的问题之一,这些作品的硬件,一个简单的重新启动可以解决。 Scan your entire computer for viruses.扫描您的整个计算机的病毒。 Sometimes, the ieframe.dll error will show up when your computer is infected with certain kinds of viruses.有时候, ieframe.dll错误将会出现在您的计算机感染了某些类型的病毒。 Use your antivirus software to do a complete system scan for virus infections.使用杀毒软件做一个全面的系统扫描病毒感染。 Disable Windows Firewall in Windows XP if you have another firewall installed. 禁用Windows防火墙在Windows XP中 ,如果您有其他防火墙安装。 Running two firewall applications at the same time can cause problems so if you have a firewall program installed like ZoneAlarm, Norton Personal Firewall, Comodo Firewall, etc., then you should not be running Windows's built-in firewall simultaneously.运行两年防火墙软件,在同一时间可能会造成问题,如果您有一个防火墙程序安装的ZoneAlarm一样,诺顿个人防火墙,克魔岛防火墙,等等,那么你不应该运行的是Windows的内置防火墙同时进行。 Note: Even if you're positive that the Windows firewall is disabled, check again. 注意:即使你是积极的Windows防火墙被禁用,再次检查。 Some Microsoft security updates have been known to re-enable the firewall automatically even if you have an existing firewall enabled in another security software program.一些微软的安全更新已经知道重新启用自动防火墙,即使你有一个现有的防火墙启用了另一项安全的软件程序。 Update all non-Microsoft firewall and other security software on your computer.更新所有非微软的防火墙和其它安全软件在计算机上。 Certain security updates from Microsoft have been known to cause issues with security software from other vendors that those vendors are responsible for resolving.某些安全更新微软已经知道造成问题与安全软件来自其它厂商,这些厂商负责解决。 Check their websites for updates or service packs and install any that are available.检查他们的网站进行更新或服务包,并安装任何可用。 Note: If you're already running a fully updated version of your security software, try uninstalling and then reinstalling the software instead. 注:如果您已经运行一个完全更新版本的安全软件,尝试卸载,然后重新安装软件。 A clean installation may stop that nagging ieframe.dll error message.干净的安装可能会停止唠叨ieframe.dll错误讯息。 Visit Windows Update and install any suggested Microsoft related updates . 访问Windows Update并安装微软的任何建议相关更新。 It is true that some previous updates from Microsoft may actually cause some ieframe.dll errors, but installing more recent updates, especially those to the Windows Update software itself, may help resolve the problem.确实,一些以前的更新从微软可能会引起一些 ieframe.dll错误,但最近安装的更新,尤其是那些在Windows更新软件本身,可能有助于解决这一问题。 Clear the temporary Internet files in Internet Explorer 7 . 清除Internet临时文件在Internet Explorer 7 。 Some ieframe.dll issues may have to do with problems accessing existing temporary Internet files.一些ieframe.dll问题可能与问题,利用现有Internet临时文件。 Increase the frequency that Internet Explorer 7 checks for new versions of web pages.增加频率, Internet Explorer 7的检查是否有新版本的网页。 If the default setting is too infrequent and there are issues with certain pages, you may see ieframe.dll and related errors.如果默认设置是太罕见的,有问题的某些网页,您可能会看到ieframe.dll和相关的错误。 Disable Internet Explorer 7 add-ons one by one . 禁用Internet Explorer 7中附加一个接一个 。 One of your installed add-ons might be causing the ieframe.dll issue.其中一个安装的插件可能会造成ieframe.dll问题。Selectively disabling them will show you which one, if any, is causing problems.有选择地使它们陷入瘫痪将显示您在哪一个,如果有的话,造成的问题。 Set Internet Explorer 7 security options back to their default levels . 设置Internet Explorer 7的安全选项回到其预设的水平。 Some programs, even some updates from Microsoft, will sometimes make automatic changes to your Internet Explorer 7 security settings.一些程序,甚至一些微软的更新,有时会自动更改您的Internet Explorer 7的安全设置。 Incorrect or overprotective security settings can sometimes cause ieframe.dll issues.不正确或过度安全设置,有时可导致ieframe.dll问题。 Returning these settings to their default levels may correct your issue.选举这些设置为它们的默认水平可能正确您的问题。 Move the IE7 Temporary Internet Files Folder to its Default Location in Windows XP . 移动IE7的Internet临时文件夹的默认位置在Windows XP中 。 If the Temporary Internet Files folder in Internet Explorer 7 has been moved from its original location, plus both Protected Mode and the Phishing Filter are enabled, the ieframe.dll error will occur.如果Temporary Internet Files文件夹在Internet Explorer 7已经从原来的位置,加上两个保护模式和仿冒网站筛选的启用, ieframe.dll会出现错误。 Disable the Phishing Filter in Internet Explorer 7 . 禁用仿冒网站筛选在Internet Explorer 7 。 This isn't a great long term solution if you don't have another phishing filter installed, but disabling IE7's phishing filter has been known to correct ieframe.dll issues in some situations.这不是一个伟大的长期解决办法如果你没有另一个钓鱼过滤器安装,但禁用7的反钓鱼过滤器已众所周知,正确的ieframe.dll问题,在某些情况下。 Disable Protected Mode in Internet Explorer 7 . 禁用保护模式在Internet Explorer 7 。 The Protected Mode feature in Internet Explorer 7 can, in some very specific situations, be involved in generating an ieframe.dll error message.保护模式功能在Internet Explorer 7可以在一些非常特殊的情况下,参与创造一个ieframe.dll的错误讯息。

Applies To适用于

The ieframe.dll error message applies to Internet Explorer 7 on any of Microsoft's operating systemsthat support that browser.该ieframe.dll错误讯息适用于Internet Explorer 7中的任何微软的操作系统支持的浏览器。 Ieframe.dll errors have been reported by users of Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, and Windows Vista. Ieframe.dll错误报告了用户的Windows XP , Windows Server 2003和Windows Vista中。

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