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资料来源:网络整理       时间:2023/3/8 15:30:43       共计:3574 浏览


The following answer. Personal point of view, for reference only. The essence of property is to serve the majority of owners. But that's not the case. Investigate the reason. Property company is a whole, is the company behavior. The majority of owners are an individual, And, homeowners Can not unite. Each in his own way. It's hard to agree. Difficult to reach an agreement. So the property companies have been broken. That's why many communities today. Establish a committee of owners. On behalf of the owners to exercise their authority. Undertake the obligation of proprietor. Serving the owners within the framework of the law. Fight for the rights of the owners. In a community without a homeowners'Committee. Collection of property charges. And property costs. It's a muddled account. It's always unclear. Property companies, in order to make money. The owners are trying to save money. This is the two sides of the contradiction. Owners of the property company's services to a higher and more stringent requirements. Can garbage be collected in time. Can public areas be cleaned in time? These are the vast number of owners of the relationship. And some community property. So where the hell did it go? I don't know. So that led to. Property companies and the majority of the owners of more prominent contradictions.

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